Yes Hello!
Shanah’s the name, pushing boundaries is the game.
I’m 31 years old, and in 2024 I sacrificed my house deposit to launch the activewear brand of my dreams. I’m no one special. I just love fashion, and I love training.
I’m someone who see’s the world in shapes and colour palettes. My activewear collection, although it was large, it bored me to my soul. It all felt depressing and daggy, but I had to wear it. What I wanted to wear just didn’t exist. My brain would not stop ticking over about this new genre of activewear. I wanted to stir the pot a bit. Breathe some sunshine into everyones wardrobe. I just craved something different. Something with personality.
Any way, I’ve been married over 10 years, had 2 babies, and have had to walk through some of life’s darkest valleys. Including burying one of my children. One of those things that changes a person forever. As a broken soul, I then joined CrossFit. Another move that changed my life forever.
I’m a big believer in the look good train ugly energy. I love getting ready in the morning and the whole process of it. But I also love pushing my limits in training. Entering that ugly pain cave. I’m just forever shocked at what our bodies can do. The reward to training ugly feels endless.
But don’t just train ugly in the gym. Train ugly in life too. Keep striving toward being a better human. Keep learning. And never stop chasing your dreams. Don’t be scared to have big ones either. Back yourself fully and don’t let anyone else steal your sunshine. Find ways to be the sunshine for others too. And please WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT. Don't restrict yourself from living a colourful life. You’re an absolute gift and the world needs you. Go get em tiger! “Insert butt slap here”.
Stay Electric,
- Shanah x